
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Finally back in Botswana

Yes, I am finally back in Botswana, as you may remember I was last left in Denver and had no idea how I was going to get back to JFK in New York so I could Botswana. Let just say I got back and leave it at that.

I have attached a few pictures of the kids welcoming me home to the village. What a great reception after being away for about 3 months.

As I have mentioned I am flat broke, so I have had to stay very focus with my poker play. I have had nice results with winning $196.00 playing 11 hours for a win rate of $17.85 an hour. I thought I would post a few of my winning hands and one big losing hand.

Over the next few weeks I need to stay focused as my goal of supporting my travel through poker play has not been working. Right now my travels have out spent my poker winnings.

See hands below.




AK again

I thought he had AK, boy was I WRONG!!!!

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