
Sunday, September 4, 2011

The School for our village is all done


Yes we have built a school for our village and hired full time teachers. As we have improved our economic climate with both our agriculture plan (Pineapple Farm) and our tourist plan (Rafting/Tubing, Para-gliding, etc) we have found we have a surplus in our treasury. The elders felt it was time to invest in our youth. So we felt a good summer project was building a school.

As we explored our option we found the United Nations mostly through funding by the United States was offering grants to small village in Africa that built a school. Though we did not need the money to build our school, from what we could see the grants were not on a as needs bases, but designed to help reduce terrorism. The concept is poor ignorant kids have a higher chance of being recruited as suicide bombers then smart educated kids.

I guess this makes sense. It was easy to figure out how to make sure we won the grant. One of the questions on the grant application, was how many kids in your village have been or are planning to become suicide bombers. We answered the question with a one word answer. "LOTS", soon after we submitted our application the money came pouring in.

We received one hundred thousand U.S. dollars from the grant. Which in our part of Africa could build a few hundred schools. So we put almost all the money in our treasury and built the school ourselves. See attached pictures. These pictures were taken when the United Nations sent an envoy to see what we did with the money (I was glad they did not ask for receipts).

We are not stealing this money, the grant had no provision on how to pay the teachers. So we are going to bank the money and use it to pay the teachers. We figure we have several hundred years of teachers pay in the bank.

I am heading off the Greece and Turkey for the remainder of September, my first trip in a while and I expect I will have some cool stuff to share when I return.



P.S. Poker is continuing to be very good to me. I am very happy the U.S. D.O.J. shut down the top Poker Sites.